How to Practice Radical Self-Care

Capitalism is very efficient at eating resistance ideas and spitting them back at us, and the concept of self-care is no different. Self-care is now a multi-million-pound industry, where to care for yourself means spending money on pedicures, spa days, gym membership and so on. Exploited employees are encouraged to practice mindfulness breathing exercises on […]

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Energy and Power

“There’s power in our struggle” – No Paradise, Santigold The seven largest oil firms made a profit of over £150 billion this year. It’s difficult for us to comprehend how large a number that is. Even defining a billion as one thousand million is still difficult to visualise. Meanwhile British customers are paying 96% more

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Anxiety: What does it mean?

Today we define anxiety as an emotion arising from an unknown or poorly understood threat. This is distinct from fear which arises from a specific and known threat. We may be anxious about uncertainty (e.g. the unknown of entering a new social situation), but afraid of certain things (e.g. an attacker). Walking through a park

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Minimalism: helpful or harmful?

For many years there’s been a general trend towards minimalist design in Britain. From architecture, street furniture to clothing, function seems to be more important that diversity. The idea behind minimalism is to get rid of material things we don’t need, and to simplify design. Hopefully with the result of allowing space for what matters

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The Benefits of Online Therapy

What is online therapy? During the COVID lockdowns many services were moved online. Therapy was no different. Although online counselling has been around for many years, many counsellors only offered in-person sessions pre-pandemic. Just like so many others, counsellors were forced to adapt and embrace online therapy. Despite some intitial caution, more and more therapists

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Why Counselling Is Effective

Firstly, does counselling work? There have been countless studies over the years, which give a very clear answer to this – it does. When researchers look at wellbeing measures before and after therapy, wellbeing tends to be higher afterwards. Clients also, on average, report themselves as being less distressed after therapy. Both of those types

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How Counselling Can Help Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety. It’s not a pleasant feeling, but it is something everyone will feel from time to time. The fact is there are legitimate things to worry about in the world: from COVID or general health, to relationships or money. However if the feeling of anxiety becomes overwhelming and interferes in everyday activities it

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